3 mistakes to avoid while buying contact lenses online

3 mistakes to avoid while buying contact lenses online

Buying contact lenses online is an easy and convenient process. Additionally, online retailers often offer lower prices, making it a lucrative option. However, there are several ways in which the purchase can go wrong, like receiving the wrong product or the risk of eye infection. To ensure that one gets the best value for money and an authentic product, it is important to avoid these common mistakes when purchasing contact lenses online. Not providing prescriptions to the online supplier The only way to buy correct contact lenses is through an eye exam conducted by an ophthalmologist. They will then prescribe the type of contact lenses one can wear. This prescription needs to be checked by the online supplier before one places an order for the lenses. If the prescription is not provided, one will likely end up with the wrong pair of lenses. So, always buy from online suppliers and retailers that check the prescription before taking an order. One can provide the prescription by scanning it or taking a photograph and uploading it online or through the mail, whichever method has been specified by the retailer. Not researching the supplier properly This is a common mistake that many people make while buying contact lenses online.
Chronic bronchitis – Signs and management tips

Chronic bronchitis – Signs and management tips

Chronic bronchitis is caused by the long-term inflammation of the airways. This causes excess mucus production. In addition, there is a higher risk of lung infection. Those who have chronic bronchitis are also diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). COPD, or chronic bronchitis, often occurs through periodic flare-ups. A chronic bronchitis flare-up or exacerbation is a sudden worsening of symptoms. These flare-ups are generally preceded by the following signs: Signs of chronic bronchitis flare-up The signs of a flare-up can last for two days. In some cases, it lasts for several days. The intensity of the symptoms is usually more severe than usual. A person may have to go to the emergency room if they experience a full-blown exacerbation during a flare-up. Some of the common signs that indicate an incomplete flare-up include the following: Wheezing and noisy breathing sounds Coughing accompanied by more mucus than usual Change in the color of mucus Trouble catching breath Discomfort in the chest Tiredness or fatigue Some other signs include the following: Unable to take deep breaths Trouble sleeping Headaches after waking up Stomach pain Frequent bouts of anxiousness Swollen ankles and legs Drowsiness Unable to think clearly Frequent mood changes Pale skin Changes in nail and lip color Difficulty talking Tips to manage signs of a chronic bronchitis flare-up Here are a few tips to manage chronic bronchitis symptoms:
7 heart-healthy breakfast ideas to kickstart the day

7 heart-healthy breakfast ideas to kickstart the day

Research has shown a correlation between nutritional choices and heart health. Out of all meals, breakfast plays an important role when it comes to reducing the risk of metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. A heart-friendly breakfast can set the tone for the rest of the day, providing essential nutrients and energy to keep one going. So, here are 7 heart-healthy breakfast ideas that are not only delicious and nutritious but also easy to make: 1. Overnight oatmeal Rolled oats soaked overnight in milk or dairy-free alternatives with a sprinkle of chia seeds, a touch of honey, and fresh berries can be a filling, heart-healthy breakfast. The fiber in oats helps lower bad cholesterol levels, promoting heart health. 2. Avocado toast Avocado is rich in monounsaturated fats, which have been linked to lower levels of bad cholesterol and a reduced risk of heart disease. Here, one can layer thin avocado slices on whole-grain toast and season with salt, pepper, and red pepper flakes. Fresh herbs, lemon juice, or even a poached egg can also be added to the recipe. 3. Vegetable smoothies Smoothies with leafy greens like spinach or kale, along with cucumber or celery, can be nutritious, as these veggies are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that contribute to better heart health.
6 ways to deal with loneliness

6 ways to deal with loneliness

Loneliness is a common and deeply human experience that can affect anyone at various stages of life. It is also a complex emotion often arising from social isolation or the feeling of being disconnected from other people, among other factors. The good news is that there are practical ways to deal with such feelings while also fostering meaningful connections. So, here are a few ways that can help overcome loneliness: Engage in prayer Prayer can involve meditation, reflection, or quiet contemplation, all of which help by offering hope and faith in a better future. Additionally, engaging in this practice can help one find inner peace, possibly reducing feelings of loneliness. Spend time outdoors Connecting with nature can be a rejuvenating activity. Whether it is a leisurely stroll in the park, a hike through the woods, or enjoying the sun, stepping outside can help one experience a sense of peace and a connection to their surroundings. Volunteer for a cause Giving back to the community can be a fulfilling way to not just help but also connect with others. This way, volunteering provides a sense of purpose and belonging. Whether it is lending a hand at a local shelter or hospital, reading to children, or participating in neighborhood clean-up drives and other community initiatives, volunteering is a great way to make new connections.
7 signs of low blood sugar that impact health

7 signs of low blood sugar that impact health

Low blood sugar, also known as hypoglycemia, is a condition characterized by abnormally low levels of glucose in the bloodstream. Usually, a level below 70 mg/dL is considered low, which is common in those with diabetes. However, consistently low blood sugar can affect various parts of the body, causing issues with cognitive function, nerves, cardiovascular health, kidney function, and vision. So, here are common signs of low blood sugar that impact health: Disorientation When blood sugar levels plummet, one may experience disorientation, confusion, or mental fog. This can impair the ability to think clearly, make decisions, and even recognize familiar surroundings or people. At times, this symptom can lead to a complete loss of awareness and might require immediate hospitalization. Managing hypoglycemia promptly by bringing up blood glucose levels is essential to restore mental clarity and prevent further disorientation. Drop in energy levels Glucose is converted into energy in the body, and cells in the body use this energy to function. So, another common effect of low blood sugar is a sudden and dramatic decrease in energy, leaving one feeling fatigued, weak, and physically drained. Tremors and rapid heartbeat When dealing with low blood sugar, the body may release adrenaline, which can cause muscle tremors and shakiness.
5 essential supplements to improve bone density

5 essential supplements to improve bone density

The bones work with muscles and joints to hold the body together and support movement. They require continuous nutrition to perform this function efficiently. Ignoring this can weaken a person’s bones and significantly raise the risk of osteoporosis. The best way to improve bone strength and density is to get sufficient nutrients from food. But if that isn’t enough, experts may recommend supplements rich in specific elements like the following: Boron Boron is necessary to build and preserve bones. While one does not require much of it, the element is necessary because it helps the body effectively use calcium. Boron supplements may also support osteoporosis treatment as they activate the vitamins and minerals required for bone formation. Magnesium Magnesium works in combination with calcium to improve bone strength and support overall health. About 60% of the body’s magnesium is stored in the skeletal system, which makes it essential to get enough of this nutrient through meals. If that does not suffice, one could consider magnesium supplements for improved bone density after consulting a healthcare expert. Calcium A large amount of calcium is stored in the bones and teeth, which makes it a vital nutrient. Calcium makes the bones hard and strong.
4 vitamins and minerals to boost metabolism

4 vitamins and minerals to boost metabolism

Metabolism is the chemical process by which food is converted into energy. There are multiple chemical processes involved in metabolism. Certain minerals and vitamins can boost this process. Also, what one consumes greatly influences the speed and quality of their metabolism. Therefore, consuming foods rich in certain minerals and vitamins can seriously increase one’s energy throughout the day. Here are some of the vitamins and minerals that boost one’s metabolism: 1. B vitamins This family of vitamins is critical for energy metabolism in the body. Essentially, if one does not consume these vitamins, they may have digestive issues. The various B vitamins are B-12, biotin, folate, B-6, pantothenic acid, or B-5, niacin, or B-3, riboflavin, or B-2, and thiamine, or B-1. Out of these vitamins, B-12 is responsible for the metabolism of fats and proteins. Vitamins B-6 and folate help facilitate this process. Thiamine enables metabolizing carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, while B-6 helps metabolize some key proteins. Vitamin B-rich foods include whole grains, dairy products, eggs, lean meats, seafood, nuts, seeds, spinach, potatoes, squash, bananas, apples, grapes, and watermelons. 2. Vitamin C Vitamin C is used up by the body when a person is stressed. At the same time, the body releases a lot of cortisol when a person is stressed.
4 high-risk public places for respiratory viruses

4 high-risk public places for respiratory viruses

Respiratory viruses are a global health concern, leading to many illnesses and diseases that can be prevented cautiously. These viruses usually spread through contact with contaminated spaces, airborne droplets, aerosols, and similar mediums. Some public places can be at high risk for spreading such respiratory viruses, and it is essential to be careful of such spaces. Here are a few places where viruses can spread rapidly: 1. Public transport Nearly everyone takes public transportation, if not within the city, but to travel outside the city, country, or continent. This involves going through crowded spaces, buses, airplanes, and trains. These are often hotspots for disease spreading, as public transport mediums are always filled with people. They are poorly ventilated, so respiratory droplets can easily infect anyone. There are frequent touchpoints, like surfaces like seats, handrails, and even door panels. 2. Entertainment venues Places like concert halls, sports arenas, theaters, and wedding venues are a few examples of high-risk zones for respiratory viruses. Activities like singing and cheering can release more respiratory droplets in the air, which can easily affect some people. If it is an indoor seating venue, the ventilation is not good enough to filter out the toxins, and it does not help that all the people are sitting near each other, which increases the risk of transmission.
Key things to know about lactose-free milk

Key things to know about lactose-free milk

Lactose and gluten are the new buzzwords in the health market. Despite their popularity, many people still need clarification on what the terminologies mean and their ramifications on specific health conditions. Also, since digestive problems are rising, there has been significant research and development in food alternatives. This article explores one of the most popular alternatives, i.e., lactose-free milk – and why it may be a sound choice for many. What is lactose-free milk? Many people experience abdominal issues such as bloating, diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain after consuming regular milk. This health condition is known as lactose intolerance. It occurs due to the sugar ‘lactose’ found in dairy products like milk, cheese, and ice cream, which can be difficult to digest. It may be caused due to genetic factors or due to illness or injury to the small intestine. As a solution to this, companies began producing lactose-free milk, that is, regular milk without lactose. Most lactose-free milk contains 0.1% or less of lactose. This is achieved by processing milk to remove most of its lactose content and adding lactase to cow’s milk. Lactase helps break down lactose content in the body, making it easier for people to consume and digest milk.
5 types of clothing that can affect one’s health

5 types of clothing that can affect one’s health

Clothes do more than just enhance one’s look – they protect the body from external factors and provide warmth and comfort. Thus, while shopping for outfits, it is important to consider not only the esthetic appeal but also the fit, durability, comfort, and texture. With a variety of outfits available today, fashionistas are spoilt for choice in every outfit category. In this scenario, it makes sense to avoid certain types of clothes that may affect one’s overall health: Underwire bras Although underwire bras are intended to uplift and support the breasts, these bras increase one’s risk of skin conditions like rashes and fungal infections. They can also cause problems like chest and neck pain and block milk ducts among lactating mothers. Hence, it is advisable to limit the use of underwire bras, replacing them with comfortable wireless cotton bras, bralettes, and sports bras, among other options. Tight jeans Skinny jeans may accentuate one’s figure and enhance one’s appeal, but their continuous friction with the skin may cause potential skin problems like rashes. Moreover, tight jeans can prevent blood circulation and trigger nerve and muscle damage. Trying alternative types of trousers, such as palazzos, capris, and culottes, is a good idea.

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Top 8 employee evaluation software for your business

Top 8 employee evaluation software for your business

One of the toughest tasks for any organization is the process of evaluating its employees every year to determine their performance. This where an employee evaluation software can make the process simpler and more systematic for the Human Resources (HR) department. Here’s is a list of the best software providers for employee assessment. BambooHR It is a human resources information system that makes the role of the HR team more effective. This cloud-based software offers a great range of employee information management options, which will help to keep an eye on their performance. This is an affordable software and ideal for small and medium-sized businesses. Engagedly When it comes to employee evaluation, today’s business needs a modern approach, and that is exactly what this employee evaluation software offers. It engages employees in the process of performance evaluation, making it possible for the system to be more simplified and save a lot of time. UltiPro This Cloud-based software offers a range of amazing features that make employee evaluation more effective. UltiPro comes with features like feedback, compensation management, evaluation history, development plans for individual employees, rating scale with customization options, on-going tracking of performance, goal-setting, skill assessment, and peer appraisal. Workday This employee evaluation software helps with the growth of your business by offering more insight into the workforce.
Top 3 Android smartphones for business

Top 3 Android smartphones for business

An ideal smartphone for business is one that pleases you, delivers phenomenal value for the money, and on-the-go processing capabilities. It might not be easy for you to judge the usability of the handset simply by browsing the Internet. So, to help you, we have come up with a list of some of the best android smartphones that you can invest in right away. A good business smartphone is one that is capable of running all the latest apps that can help you with your business. So, from helping you connect with your business phone service to privacy services and PDF apps, a good business smartphone is capable of doing it all. Blackberry Key 2 Blackberry might not be the number one in the smartphone market, but the company still develops some of the finest business smartphones. Blackberry Key 2 is an Android run smartphone that was marketed as “an icon reborn,” primarily because Blackberry retained its classic keyword but improved it by adding a speed key button and increasing the size of the keys by 20%. Features of Blackberry Key 2 Long battery life, lasting you two days Qualcomm 660 processor A newer larger and more intelligent keyboard BlackBerry DTEK app that makes it incredibly secure Photos and files can be secured with the BlackBerry Locker The option of storage space of 64 GB and 256 GB 6 GB RAM Samsung Galaxy S20 If you need the best android smartphone that’s great for your business and is affordable at the same time, this 5G phone from Samsung should be your preferred choice.
A quick look at the iPhone X series models

A quick look at the iPhone X series models

The iPhone brand has been the father of smartphones since its inception. The first iPhone was introduced by Steve Jobs in 2007, which changed the game for smartphones with its multi-touch and camera capabilities. Since then, there’s no stopping Apple. In 2017, on its 10th Anniversary, Apple revamped the game again with the introduction of the iPhone X. This revolutionary iPhone paved the way for subsequent future iPhones as well, let’s have a look.   iPhone X This was the first iPhone in which the Home Button was replaced by clever software gestures. It had a 5.8-inch edge-to-edge high-resolution OLED display panel a better notch-superior than the previous generation’s LCD panel. The advantage of OLED is that color reproduction is way better, and it is certainly more power-efficient than the past models. As for the security, Apple ditched Touch ID and replaced it with the new biometric, Face ID. The front selfie camera, that was embedded in the notch of the iPhone X, was an added style plus. It created a 3D model of the user and worked in low-light with an infrared camera. In this model, there were two camera sensors on the rear with one telephoto lens and one wide lens.
Top destination travel options in Asia

Top destination travel options in Asia

Asia is a beautiful continent and is home to some of the most exciting destination travel options. With so many exquisite countries to visit, the task of picking the best once can be a bit overwhelming. Well, fret not! Given the availability of affordable flights in-between prime hubs of Asia, you can certainly visit a couple of top destinations in Asia on a single trip. You can pick any one of the listed destinations below for your next destination travel trip. Chiang Mai, Thailand A lot of travelers visiting Thailand prefer its northern capital over Bangkok. The Old City of Chiang Mai is bustling with tourist activity all year round. The most beautiful thing that you’ll witness here is the welcoming and calming smile of monks. Happening night markets, a multitude of cultural festivals, beautiful temples, and sprawling mountains for trekking– Chiang Mai has something for every type of traveler. Every year the city gets a footfall of more than a million travelers that leave the destination enriched with hope and satisfaction. When in Chiang Mia, make sure that you take a tour of the magnificent riverside village, Pai, which is located only a few hours north of the city. Penang, Malaysia If you are looking for a destination travel trip where you can relax, unwind, and experience mouth-watering cuisine, then Penang in Malaysia is the right destination for you.
Top payroll software for small businesses

Top payroll software for small businesses

If you run a small business, payroll software can help you manage all the particulars and activities regarding your employee workforce. If you have 50 to 100 employees, it can get a little difficult to keep track of all the payslips, tax files, and other important employee details. That’s where payroll software for small businesses come in. Let’s look at the top software options you can choose from: Gusto Hailed as one of the best payroll software for small businesses, Gusto offers a comprehensive system with intuitive software that can help you handle a variety of employee-related matters. These include employee pay stubs and tax forms, benefits and payroll reports, health insurance, state and federal unemployment insurance, PTO tracking, direct deposit facilities, wage garnishments, automated tax filings, and unlimited payroll runs in all 50 states. The interface is easy-to-use, and the brand offers a free demo as well. Unlike other software, Gusto does not charge extra for features like automated billing, health benefits, online estimates, and workers’ compensation. ADP This software can take HR and payroll off your hands, easing your burden if you’re managing a small business. It handles all the time-consuming tasks for you, ranging from managing employees’ 401(k) accounts to filing payroll taxes, and it also takes over tasks like onboarding, hiring, and recruiting.
Business class flights and its features

Business class flights and its features

All of us have daydreamed about traveling business class when we make a steady shuffle from business class to economy. Yes, it lures us with its spacious cabins, and luxe and cushy comforts. So, is it worth flying in a first-class or business class flight? Let’s discuss some of the best business class flight features that will prove that it is worth every penny. Priority check-in For travelers traveling business class, the check-in process is a lot more convenient and easier. You don’t need to stand in the long queue to finish your check-in procedure. Go ahead and sit down at the waiting room seat while the staff handles the check-in for you. Extra baggage allowed Now, this completely depends on the policy of the airline. However, irrespective of the airline you are traveling with, the permissible baggage allowance for a business class is certainly more than economy class travelers. So, if you are a shopaholic, it could be a huge plus. Access to the special lounge Ahead of the boarding time, business class travelers can wait in the exclusive lounge dedicated to them. Again, it might vary from airline to airline and airport to airport, but in most lounges across the globe, you’ll get scrumptious snacks and food.