5 foods to fight the symptoms of leukemia

5 foods to fight the symptoms of leukemia

Leukemia refers to types of cancer that develop in the blood cells. A person is at a greater risk of developing the disorder if they are over 55. However, it isn’t uncommon for younger children to also suffer from similar complications. Moreover, a permanent cure for leukemia is still in the works. However, one can still follow simple methods to manage the condition, including eating specific foods to fight cancerous cells. Berries Berries have a long history of benefits in improving overall health. When it comes to leukemia, they are rich in antioxidants, which are known to protect the body from free radicals. Berries are specifically known to fight the effects of breast, bladder, and esophagus cancers. Tomatoes The antioxidant lycopene present in tomatoes may help those with leukemia manage the symptoms. The food is also rich in other properties like vitamins A, C, and E, known to fight free radicals that may trigger cancer formations in the body. Tomatoes are also known to benefit those with prostate cancer. Yogurt Yogurt contains healthy bacteria that can improve how a person handles the foods they eat. This bacteria is also known to regulate the production of anti-inflammatory cytokines in the body.
6 foods that are surprisingly bad for diabetics

6 foods that are surprisingly bad for diabetics

Diabetes is a condition affecting millions of people worldwide. It interferes with the body’s ability to process blood sugar, or blood glucose. Every single diabetes patient probably knows that they must eat healthy to maintain normal blood sugar levels. However, the problem is that many foods marketed as healthy and considered diabetes-friendly can actually cause a spike in blood sugar levels. In this article, we’ve listed foods many people don’t know are bad for diabetics. Brown rice When thinking of healthy rice, brown rice is the first thing that comes to many people’s minds. It is a whole grain that has the bran, germ, and endosperm intact. Indeed, brown rice is healthier than white rice, thanks to its rich fiber content. But it also contains a high amount of carbohydrates, which quickly break down into glucose, sending blood sugar levels soaring. Before making a brown rice recipe, it’s important to watch the portion size to prevent a spike in blood sugar. Dried fruits Many people have the habit of noshing on dry fruits. But these fruits, particularly raisins, are bad food choices for those with diabetes. When a fruit is dried, it loses all water, resulting in a higher concentration of its various nutrients, including sugar and carbohydrates.
Ataxia – Warning signs, causes, and types

Ataxia – Warning signs, causes, and types

Ataxia is a condition that generally results from damage to the cerebellum or its connections, the part of the brain controlling muscle coordination. It can be a result or a symptom of various conditions like stroke, tumor, brain degeneration, multiple sclerosis, or genetic disorders. Ataxia can affect a person’s coordination, speech, and balance and make it difficult to swallow or walk. Keep reading to learn more about the warning signs of this condition. Symptoms of ataxia Some early warning signs of ataxia to watch out for include- Problems with coordination and balance, such as clumsiness or frequent falling Facing trouble with fine motor skills such as picking up small objects, writing, or buttoning up clothes Slurred or unclear speech Tremors or muscle spasms Difficulties with eating or swallowing Unusual eye movements, such as blinking slower than usual or suffering from nystagmus (a form of involuntary eye movement) Cardiovascular issues The severity of the symptoms of this condition depends on the type of ataxia one is dealing with. Genetic failures, other health conditions, vitamin deficiencies, injuries, or immunological problems can cause ataxia. Depending on the causes, ataxia may be categorized into three types. Inherited ataxia Inherited ataxia occurs when a parent (or both parents) passes on a congenital disability to their child.
4 warning signs of sleep deprivation

4 warning signs of sleep deprivation

Sleeping helps the body repair and rejuvenate the cells, which helps an individual stay energetic and free from health complications. Each individual must get between seven and eight hours of sleep daily. That said, given people’s busy lives, thousands do not meet the daily criteria for rest. Such individuals may suffer from multiple complications due to a lack of sleep. Here are four warning signs of sleep deprivation to look out for: Reduced cognitive function Getting the right amount of rest helps the brain generate new connections between the nerve cells, improve focus and productivity, and analyze and process information. So if one finds trouble with any of these functions, they might experience sleep deprivation. Lack of sleep may result in brain exhaustion and impair cognitive function. One should get this diagnosed by an expert because a sleep-deprived brain can affect day-to-day functioning. Decreased immune system The body is prone to illnesses, including a cold, cough, and headache. However, if the symptoms occur on multiple occasions or are chronic, that could indicate a weakened immune system. The body revitalizes and repairs itself during sleep. Lack of proper rest could prevent the restoration of cells, which may deteriorate one’s immunity. Furthermore, insufficient rest could make one susceptible to infections and hamper recovery.
3 mistakes to avoid while pumping breast milk

3 mistakes to avoid while pumping breast milk

Breastfeeding is a unique process that new mothers have to learn. No two feeding experiences are alike, so one has to figure out what works for them. This can help one cherish this phase of nurturing a newborn. Additionally, one may have to pump and store breast milk for times when they may not be able to breastfeed. There can be some hiccups along the way, so here are common breast-pumping mistakes to avoid: Using the wrong shield size The breast shield comes in different sizes to suit different women. The standard size is 24mm; however, this may not fit everyone, so one may have to check and re-order a shield in the right size. Pumping with the wrong size shield can lead to pain in the nipples, reduced output, and also nipple damage. So one should find the best shield size for them. Stopping too soon This is a common mistake one can make. When pumping breast milk, one may begin to notice that the milk dribbles out. After a few seconds, the milk can start to spray out from the milk ducts. This is called a letdown reflex, which a lot of mothers describe being a pins and needles sensation.
5 signs of kidney disease due to excessive sugar intake

5 signs of kidney disease due to excessive sugar intake

The kidneys help filter and remove waste and additional water to make urine. The organ is susceptible to complications that may stem from a range of underlying factors, including excessive sugar intake. However, an obstacle individuals face in this regard is identifying whether a particular symptom results from eating too many sugar-rich foods or another underlying health complication. Therefore, here are five signs of poor kidney health due to excess sugar intake. Sudden loss of pounds There are many reasons one may lose a couple of pounds, including regular exercise, ongoing treatments, and a change in eating habits. However, a sudden reduction might indicate the onset of type 3 diabetes. This may occur due to excess glucose circulating in their body, which is transferred to urine. One may not put on additional pounds even if they eat more to satisfy their hunger. Frequent infections It is normal to contract an infection at some point in life. However, people who ingest too much sugar may suffer from such complications regularly. The inability of the kidneys to filter out excess sugar from the blood could cause the property to mix with urine. And this may lead to frequent urinary tract or yeast infections.
5 common signs of gastrointestinal disorders due to excessive sugar

5 common signs of gastrointestinal disorders due to excessive sugar

Your body needs some percentage of sugar to generate energy for the cells and organs. So it is okay to have sugar in your meals and snacks in moderation. When you start having excess sugary foods, the body cannot utilize the extra sugar. This leads to several health disorders, including issues related to your digestive system. On that note, here are a few signs of gastrointestinal disorders due to excessive sugar. Bloating and gas Eating too much dessert or other sugar-based foods can make you feel good—but only for a while. However, you will soon feel bloated due to the increased gas production in your intestines. In addition, the sugar prevents the appropriate absorption of water in the intestines, causing you to feel a lot of bloating. The gas and bloating can cause a lot of discomfort. Diarrhea or constipation Consuming excessive sugar can disrupt the balance of gut bacteria in your digestive system. This can cause changes in your bowel movements. Also, there is barely any fiber or fluid in most sugar-based foods, such as pastries, cookies, and cakes. These factors can lead to diarrhea or constipation, affecting your gastrointestinal health. Abdominal pain or cramping You can experience these gastrointestinal signs due to excessive sugar, especially when the foods contain sorbitol and xylitol.
4 cancer signs that worsen with high sugar intake

4 cancer signs that worsen with high sugar intake

The intake of excessive sugar is associated with multiple health complications, including cancer. The cells in the body, including cancerous ones, use glucose to survive, grow and spread. Glucose may not be directly responsible for the onset of cancer. However, having sugar in excessive amounts may increase the risk of the disease and worsen its symptoms. So, here is a look at how high sugar intake can worsen common symptoms of cancer: Fatigue Sugar can help temporarily boost energy levels. The pancreas produces enough insulin to break down food into simple sugars, which are then utilized by cells to stay energized. However, sometimes the pancreas may not be able to produce enough insulin, which could lead to excessive sugar in the blood, causing fatigue and weakness. Further, if one is at risk for cancer or is affected by the disease, the body needs more energy to fight the abnormal cells. So, fatigue is a common sign of cancer that can worsen when dealing with high blood sugar. Frequent infections If one is dealing with cancer, the weakened immune system is already prone to frequent infections. The immune system requires balanced nutrition, such as healthy amounts of minerals and vitamins, to thrive and fight diseases, including cancer.
5 signs of hearing difficulties due to excessive sugar

5 signs of hearing difficulties due to excessive sugar

The excessive consumption of sugar has long been associated with several health disorders, including those related to the gastrointestinal system, diabetes, heart problems, and so on. In addition to these health issues, eating too much sugary foods can also lead to various auditory issues over the long term. It can cause different problems, including hearing loss. Here are some common warning signs of poor hearing caused by excessive sugar in meals and snacks. Difficulty understanding speech Excessive sugar consumption over several years can gradually cause hearing loss. As a result, you may struggle with understanding conversations. When talking to others, you may often ask them to repeat themselves several times. It happens because high blood sugar levels can damage the nerves and small blood vessels in the inner ear. There is ringing in the ears or tinnitus The high intake of sugar over several years has been known to trigger inflammation. If this inflammation occurs in the nerves close to the ears and the brain, it can cause persistent ringing in your ears, which do not come from external sources in your surroundings. Also known as tinnitus, this ringing sensation in the ears occurs due to nerve damage due to inflammation.
Common signs of a poor immune system due to excessive sugar intake

Common signs of a poor immune system due to excessive sugar intake

Today, sugar-laden treats are readily available, which tempt one at every turn. While the occasional sweet indulgence may seem harmless, excessive sugar consumption can silently or indirectly impair one’s immune system, the body’s defense mechanism against illness and infections. It’s essential to recognize the impact of sugar on one’s immune health. Here are a few common indicators of a compromised immune system due to excessive sugar intake. Check them out. Effect of glucose on one’s immune system Glucose is needed for the body to produce energy. In moderate amounts, it can support one’s daily activity. Still, excessive consumption of refined sugar and carbohydrates can cause various health issues, including a higher risk of developing diabetes and heart disease. It also affects one’s immune system, a complex network of cells and tissues that work in tandem to defend one’s body from foreign invaders and maintain one’s overall health. Any spikes in sugar intake suppress the optimal functioning of one’s immune system. Those with type 2 diabetes, a common autoimmune disease marked by high blood glucose levels, are among those who get affected the most. A diabetic person’s immune system recognizes sugar as a harmful substance and triggers an inflammatory response. This inflammation can damage the pancreatic cells, which are tasked with producing a sugar-regulating substance called insulin.

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Top 8 employee evaluation software for your business

Top 8 employee evaluation software for your business

One of the toughest tasks for any organization is the process of evaluating its employees every year to determine their performance. This where an employee evaluation software can make the process simpler and more systematic for the Human Resources (HR) department. Here’s is a list of the best software providers for employee assessment. BambooHR It is a human resources information system that makes the role of the HR team more effective. This cloud-based software offers a great range of employee information management options, which will help to keep an eye on their performance. This is an affordable software and ideal for small and medium-sized businesses. Engagedly When it comes to employee evaluation, today’s business needs a modern approach, and that is exactly what this employee evaluation software offers. It engages employees in the process of performance evaluation, making it possible for the system to be more simplified and save a lot of time. UltiPro This Cloud-based software offers a range of amazing features that make employee evaluation more effective. UltiPro comes with features like feedback, compensation management, evaluation history, development plans for individual employees, rating scale with customization options, on-going tracking of performance, goal-setting, skill assessment, and peer appraisal. Workday This employee evaluation software helps with the growth of your business by offering more insight into the workforce.
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Top 3 Android smartphones for business

An ideal smartphone for business is one that pleases you, delivers phenomenal value for the money, and on-the-go processing capabilities. It might not be easy for you to judge the usability of the handset simply by browsing the Internet. So, to help you, we have come up with a list of some of the best android smartphones that you can invest in right away. A good business smartphone is one that is capable of running all the latest apps that can help you with your business. So, from helping you connect with your business phone service to privacy services and PDF apps, a good business smartphone is capable of doing it all. Blackberry Key 2 Blackberry might not be the number one in the smartphone market, but the company still develops some of the finest business smartphones. Blackberry Key 2 is an Android run smartphone that was marketed as “an icon reborn,” primarily because Blackberry retained its classic keyword but improved it by adding a speed key button and increasing the size of the keys by 20%. Features of Blackberry Key 2 Long battery life, lasting you two days Qualcomm 660 processor A newer larger and more intelligent keyboard BlackBerry DTEK app that makes it incredibly secure Photos and files can be secured with the BlackBerry Locker The option of storage space of 64 GB and 256 GB 6 GB RAM Samsung Galaxy S20 If you need the best android smartphone that’s great for your business and is affordable at the same time, this 5G phone from Samsung should be your preferred choice.
A quick look at the iPhone X series models

A quick look at the iPhone X series models

The iPhone brand has been the father of smartphones since its inception. The first iPhone was introduced by Steve Jobs in 2007, which changed the game for smartphones with its multi-touch and camera capabilities. Since then, there’s no stopping Apple. In 2017, on its 10th Anniversary, Apple revamped the game again with the introduction of the iPhone X. This revolutionary iPhone paved the way for subsequent future iPhones as well, let’s have a look.   iPhone X This was the first iPhone in which the Home Button was replaced by clever software gestures. It had a 5.8-inch edge-to-edge high-resolution OLED display panel a better notch-superior than the previous generation’s LCD panel. The advantage of OLED is that color reproduction is way better, and it is certainly more power-efficient than the past models. As for the security, Apple ditched Touch ID and replaced it with the new biometric, Face ID. The front selfie camera, that was embedded in the notch of the iPhone X, was an added style plus. It created a 3D model of the user and worked in low-light with an infrared camera. In this model, there were two camera sensors on the rear with one telephoto lens and one wide lens.
Top destination travel options in Asia

Top destination travel options in Asia

Asia is a beautiful continent and is home to some of the most exciting destination travel options. With so many exquisite countries to visit, the task of picking the best once can be a bit overwhelming. Well, fret not! Given the availability of affordable flights in-between prime hubs of Asia, you can certainly visit a couple of top destinations in Asia on a single trip. You can pick any one of the listed destinations below for your next destination travel trip. Chiang Mai, Thailand A lot of travelers visiting Thailand prefer its northern capital over Bangkok. The Old City of Chiang Mai is bustling with tourist activity all year round. The most beautiful thing that you’ll witness here is the welcoming and calming smile of monks. Happening night markets, a multitude of cultural festivals, beautiful temples, and sprawling mountains for trekking– Chiang Mai has something for every type of traveler. Every year the city gets a footfall of more than a million travelers that leave the destination enriched with hope and satisfaction. When in Chiang Mia, make sure that you take a tour of the magnificent riverside village, Pai, which is located only a few hours north of the city. Penang, Malaysia If you are looking for a destination travel trip where you can relax, unwind, and experience mouth-watering cuisine, then Penang in Malaysia is the right destination for you.
Top payroll software for small businesses

Top payroll software for small businesses

If you run a small business, payroll software can help you manage all the particulars and activities regarding your employee workforce. If you have 50 to 100 employees, it can get a little difficult to keep track of all the payslips, tax files, and other important employee details. That’s where payroll software for small businesses come in. Let’s look at the top software options you can choose from: Gusto Hailed as one of the best payroll software for small businesses, Gusto offers a comprehensive system with intuitive software that can help you handle a variety of employee-related matters. These include employee pay stubs and tax forms, benefits and payroll reports, health insurance, state and federal unemployment insurance, PTO tracking, direct deposit facilities, wage garnishments, automated tax filings, and unlimited payroll runs in all 50 states. The interface is easy-to-use, and the brand offers a free demo as well. Unlike other software, Gusto does not charge extra for features like automated billing, health benefits, online estimates, and workers’ compensation. ADP This software can take HR and payroll off your hands, easing your burden if you’re managing a small business. It handles all the time-consuming tasks for you, ranging from managing employees’ 401(k) accounts to filing payroll taxes, and it also takes over tasks like onboarding, hiring, and recruiting.
Business class flights and its features

Business class flights and its features

All of us have daydreamed about traveling business class when we make a steady shuffle from business class to economy. Yes, it lures us with its spacious cabins, and luxe and cushy comforts. So, is it worth flying in a first-class or business class flight? Let’s discuss some of the best business class flight features that will prove that it is worth every penny. Priority check-in For travelers traveling business class, the check-in process is a lot more convenient and easier. You don’t need to stand in the long queue to finish your check-in procedure. Go ahead and sit down at the waiting room seat while the staff handles the check-in for you. Extra baggage allowed Now, this completely depends on the policy of the airline. However, irrespective of the airline you are traveling with, the permissible baggage allowance for a business class is certainly more than economy class travelers. So, if you are a shopaholic, it could be a huge plus. Access to the special lounge Ahead of the boarding time, business class travelers can wait in the exclusive lounge dedicated to them. Again, it might vary from airline to airline and airport to airport, but in most lounges across the globe, you’ll get scrumptious snacks and food.