4 human foods that are safe for cats

4 human foods that are safe for cats

If you have pet cats at home and occasionally feed them from your plate, you must know which foods are safe for them. Cats can be greedy eaters, and irrespective of the cute faces they make at the dinner table, it’s best not to give them anything besides cat food until you’re a hundred percent sure. To help you, we’ve listed a few human foods that are safe for cats to eat. Salmon Cats love fish, and vets recommend feeding them fish-based cat foods. Most options are rich in omega-3 and other nutrients. Oily fish, in particular, like tuna, salmon, or mackerel, is excellent for their eyesight and joints. However, don’t feed your feline straight from the can; they might lick it too aggressively and cut their tongues. It’s best to provide them with cooked pieces that have no bones. Whole grains Grains are power-packed with nutrients and are healthy for both humans and cats. Oats, mainly, have lots of protein, but not many cats like it. Some cats prefer coarse food made from brown rice and cornmeal. If you’re not feeding your cat meat or fish, whole grains can be a good substitute. You can cook smaller grains like millet, couscous, or wheat berries at home.
5 human foods that are toxic for cats

5 human foods that are toxic for cats

As a responsible pet parent, you do your best to ensure healthy nutrition and a happy environment for your cats. But it can be hard to resist feeding them a few tidbits off your own plate. However, there are certain human foods that should not be given to cats under any circumstances as they can prove to be life-threatening. Here are five foods that are an absolute no-no for kittens and cats. 5 human foods that are toxic for cats Chocolate Milk chocolate and dark chocolate, even in small quantities, can trigger vomiting and diarrhea among cats. Some felines may even experience a rapid increase in breathing rate and body temperature, in addition to the risk of seizures. Garlic and onions Both garlic and onions contain compounds that break down the red blood cells. These vegetables are harmful to cats in every form, be it raw, cooked, powdered, or dehydrated. If you notice shortness of breath and sudden weakness in your cats, it could be an anemic reaction. Raw eggs Raw eggs are loaded with millions of bacteria such as E. Coli and salmonella. Even mild exposure to these pathogens causes vomiting, diarrhea, and increased fatigue. Eggs also contain an enzyme that destroys essential B vitamins and increases the risk of convulsions.
5 ways to keep your dog’s coat healthy and shiny

5 ways to keep your dog’s coat healthy and shiny

Every pet parent wants their four-legged companion to have a lustrous coat of fur. Having a shiny coat isn’t just about looking pretty, the shein is a reflection of your dog’s good health. You don’t need to splurge on pet-friendly creams and lotions or put in a lot of time grooming your pet. Just following these simple tips can help ensure that your dog’s skin and coat are in the finest condition. Regular baths and brushing Giving you dog a bathing once or twice a month is enough. But keep in mind that using organic pet shampoos with natural ingredients is ideal. Additionally, brushing your dog every few days helps spread natural oils on their skin, producing a glossy and healthy coat. Feeding meals rich in fatty acids Omega-3s and 6s play crucial roles in maintaining a dog’s coat condition as well as overall health. Omega-6 fatty acids promote healthy skin and lustrous coat while omega-3s fight inflammation and improve mood.  Coconut oil massages  Coconut oil is incredibly beneficial for the skin. Applying and massaging your dog’s skin with this oil will instantly moisturize their skin and make their coat shiny. Adding a few drops of coconut oil to your pet shampoo will give better results.
6 plants that are toxic to dogs

6 plants that are toxic to dogs

Dogs love smelling things. They want to put their snout on anything that comes across their path, be it garbage on the sidewalk or blossoming flowers in a park or garden. While some things are downright disgusting, other items can be toxic to your dog’s health. Certain plants can cause diarrhea and other serious issues like liver damage. Hence, it’s important to keep your dog away from the plants mentioned below. Sago palms These popular indoor ornamental palms are found in warmer climates. Every part of this plant is toxic to your dog. If consumed, it can cause severe vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, tremors, and seizures. Aloe vera Aloe vera is another common household plant grown mainly because of its many beneficial properties. However, its gooey gel contains some components that are toxic for dogs. It can cause lethargy, stomach problems, vomiting, and diarrhea. Elephant’s ear Elephant’s ear is a beautiful plant commonly found in warm climates. This plant can be harmful to dogs as it contains glass-like insoluble oxalate crystals, which can result in severe irritation, swelling in the mouth, vomiting, and diarrhea. Azaleas All parts of the azalea plant, including the flower, leaves, seeds, and  honey made from its nectar, are toxic to dogs.
DIY vinegar and baking soda sprays to get rid of fleas on pets

DIY vinegar and baking soda sprays to get rid of fleas on pets

Summertime is here, and so are summer outings! Our pets love being outside, running around, playing fetch, or digging dirt. While the season is great for some outdoor activities, it is also the time when fleas and other parasites may attack your dogs and stick onto their coats. This flea infestation may become a bigger problem as it gets hotter and more humid. Here are some DIY flea sprays to get rid of these fleas. Apple cider vinegar This ingredient can be used in two ways. You can either spray the solution on your fur child’s coat or give it orally to your dog. If you would like to make a spray, just add around two to three tablespoons of it to a glass of water. Pour this mixture into a spray bottle, and spray it thoroughly on your pet’s fur. This remedy keeps the fleas at bay and your dog’s coat shiny and healthy. Here’s the recipe if you want to give it orally to your dog: For every 40 pounds of your dog’s weight, add one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to their water bowl. Repeat this process every time you refill their water bowl. Baking soda Take one-fourth cup of baking soda, add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, and five drops of peppermint oil before pouring two cups of warm water into this concoction.
Homemade lemon flea sprays to prevent fleas in dogs

Homemade lemon flea sprays to prevent fleas in dogs

If you’ve been looking for natural ways to repel and kill fleas on your dog, you might already know that lemon is a crucial ingredient. The citrus fruit contains a compound called limonene, which has insecticidal properties and can keep fleas away from your furry friend. One of the most popular ways to use lemon against fleas is a lemon spray. We’ve shared two simple recipes to make a lemon flea spray for your dog. Basic lemon flea spray For this recipe, all you need is water and lemons. Boil a pint of water in a pot and add around ten slices of lemon to it. Cover the pot with a lid and let the mixture sit overnight for about 8 hours, and the solution will be ready! Remove the lemon slices and pour the solution into a spray bottle. You can spray this solution on your dog’s coat generously every day until they are flea-free. While spraying, avoid areas like your pet’s ears, genitals, and eyes. An excellent plus point of this lemon flea spray is that you can use it in all flea-infested areas in your home, such as your dog’s bed, your carpet, and your upholstery. Lemon flea spray with rosemary and sage This recipe is similar to the previous one, except you need to add two sprigs of rosemary and one sprig of garden sage while boiling the water.
7 plants that are toxic to cats

7 plants that are toxic to cats

Cats are smart animals who are typically mindful of what they eat. But sometimes, seeds or pollen of a toxic plant get stuck in their fur or on their paws, and cats may ingest toxic substances while grooming themselves. To avoid this and keep your cat safe, all pet parents should take some time to learn the names of plants that are toxic to their health. Some of these plants are mentioned below. Peace lily (spathiphyllum) All its parts, including the leaves, roots, petals, and pollen, should be kept away from cats. If cats ingest peace lilies, they could get acute kidney failure. Other symptoms of poisoning would include vomiting, irritation of the mouth and GI tract, excessive drooling, and in rare cases, difficulty swallowing or breathing. Sago palm (cycas revoluta) Sago palm contains a toxic substance called cycasin, which, when consumed, may result in liver damage in cats. It could also cause vomiting, diarrhea, and black, tarry-looking stool. It could also lead to bruising, excessive thirst, lethargy, and in rare cases, death. Eucalyptus (myrtaceae) Eucalyptus can cause complications like drooling, vomiting, decreased appetite, and diarrhea in cats. The toxicity level of this plant is low, and the symptoms often disappear within 24 hours.
5 foods that may cause allergic reactions in dogs

5 foods that may cause allergic reactions in dogs

Certain foods and ingredients may be used in many dishes, but they may not be safe for our furry little friends. If you have a dog, it is very important to be aware of foods that may be toxic or cause mild to severe allergic reactions. Hence, vets highly recommend keeping the following foods away from your dog’s bowl, as they may be potential allergens. Let’s take a look at them. Garlic and chives While garlic causes nothing more than bad breath to humans, it is harmful to our furry little friends. Dogs are sensitive to garlic, as it makes their blood cells more likely to break, thereby increasing the risk of anemia. It has been especially observed that Japanese breeds like Shiba-Inu and Akita are more sensitive to garlic than other dog breeds. Black pepper Black pepper is typically harmful to dogs. While small quantities may not cause a reaction, some breeds may have severe reactions. Hence, vets recommend avoiding this ingredient in a dog’s daily food. Common side effects of black pepper ingestion may include respiratory issues, burning reactions, and hemorrhoids. Onion powder Like garlic, onion powder is also toxic for dogs. In fact, any form of onion may cause health complications.
4 kitchen ingredients to fight fleas on dogs

4 kitchen ingredients to fight fleas on dogs

Being a pet parent brings its own joy and challenges. While you are privy to your dog’s moods and habits with a certain fondness, you are also responsible for cleaning them up after parasites enter your home riding on their backs. Getting rid of ticks and fleas then becomes the ultimate goal for various reasons. This article talks about some common human foods that help get rid of fleas and ticks. Lemon spray One of the easiest and mess-free ways of getting rid of ticks and fleas that enter your home is to treat them with a lemon spray. All you need to do is boil water with sliced lemon. Let the water sit overnight and cool down. Spray it on pet bedding, toys, home furnishings, and carpets. Note that you are supposed to dampen these things and not saturate them with the solution. Rosemary mix Rosemary is another effective human food that is effective in eliminating dog fleas. This herb acts as a natural flea repellent and can come in handy to prevent future infestations. All you need to do is finely grind rosemary along with rue, fennel, wormwood, and peppermint. Then, sprinkle the powder in small amounts around the house or onto your pet.
3 simple ways to treat fleas and tick infestation in dogs

3 simple ways to treat fleas and tick infestation in dogs

As a dog owner, one of the biggest concerns to tackle is fleas and tick infestation. These parasites feed off the pets’ blood, causing excessive scratching and irritation. There is a variety of flea and tick repellents in the market. However, it is necessary to be aware of natural remedies. The following article lists some of the most effective treatments to manage flea and tick infestation in dogs at home: Clinical options Before discussing natural remedies to manage flea and tick infestation in dogs, it is also important to be aware of clinical treatment options. Simparica® This is one such option that prevents flea and tick infestation in dogs. The FDA-approved oral treatment option can be given once a month which remains effective for up to 35 days. Other treatment options Other options include Bravecto® and K9 Advantix®, where the latter is a topical treatment used on a monthly basis, and the former is an oral treatment option used once in three months. Bravecto® can also be used for getting rid of heartworm. Foods to eat Experts say that fleas and ticks are likely to attack weak and unhealthy animals. If your dog is given healthy and nutritious foods, fleas and tick infestation won’t be a problem.

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Top 8 employee evaluation software for your business

One of the toughest tasks for any organization is the process of evaluating its employees every year to determine their performance. This where an employee evaluation software can make the process simpler and more systematic for the Human Resources (HR) department. Here’s is a list of the best software providers for employee assessment. BambooHR It is a human resources information system that makes the role of the HR team more effective. This cloud-based software offers a great range of employee information management options, which will help to keep an eye on their performance. This is an affordable software and ideal for small and medium-sized businesses. Engagedly When it comes to employee evaluation, today’s business needs a modern approach, and that is exactly what this employee evaluation software offers. It engages employees in the process of performance evaluation, making it possible for the system to be more simplified and save a lot of time. UltiPro This Cloud-based software offers a range of amazing features that make employee evaluation more effective. UltiPro comes with features like feedback, compensation management, evaluation history, development plans for individual employees, rating scale with customization options, on-going tracking of performance, goal-setting, skill assessment, and peer appraisal. Workday This employee evaluation software helps with the growth of your business by offering more insight into the workforce.
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A quick look at the iPhone X series models

The iPhone brand has been the father of smartphones since its inception. The first iPhone was introduced by Steve Jobs in 2007, which changed the game for smartphones with its multi-touch and camera capabilities. Since then, there’s no stopping Apple. In 2017, on its 10th Anniversary, Apple revamped the game again with the introduction of the iPhone X. This revolutionary iPhone paved the way for subsequent future iPhones as well, let’s have a look.   iPhone X This was the first iPhone in which the Home Button was replaced by clever software gestures. It had a 5.8-inch edge-to-edge high-resolution OLED display panel a better notch-superior than the previous generation’s LCD panel. The advantage of OLED is that color reproduction is way better, and it is certainly more power-efficient than the past models. As for the security, Apple ditched Touch ID and replaced it with the new biometric, Face ID. The front selfie camera, that was embedded in the notch of the iPhone X, was an added style plus. It created a 3D model of the user and worked in low-light with an infrared camera. In this model, there were two camera sensors on the rear with one telephoto lens and one wide lens.
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Top destination travel options in Asia

Asia is a beautiful continent and is home to some of the most exciting destination travel options. With so many exquisite countries to visit, the task of picking the best once can be a bit overwhelming. Well, fret not! Given the availability of affordable flights in-between prime hubs of Asia, you can certainly visit a couple of top destinations in Asia on a single trip. You can pick any one of the listed destinations below for your next destination travel trip. Chiang Mai, Thailand A lot of travelers visiting Thailand prefer its northern capital over Bangkok. The Old City of Chiang Mai is bustling with tourist activity all year round. The most beautiful thing that you’ll witness here is the welcoming and calming smile of monks. Happening night markets, a multitude of cultural festivals, beautiful temples, and sprawling mountains for trekking– Chiang Mai has something for every type of traveler. Every year the city gets a footfall of more than a million travelers that leave the destination enriched with hope and satisfaction. When in Chiang Mia, make sure that you take a tour of the magnificent riverside village, Pai, which is located only a few hours north of the city. Penang, Malaysia If you are looking for a destination travel trip where you can relax, unwind, and experience mouth-watering cuisine, then Penang in Malaysia is the right destination for you.
Top payroll software for small businesses

Top payroll software for small businesses

If you run a small business, payroll software can help you manage all the particulars and activities regarding your employee workforce. If you have 50 to 100 employees, it can get a little difficult to keep track of all the payslips, tax files, and other important employee details. That’s where payroll software for small businesses come in. Let’s look at the top software options you can choose from: Gusto Hailed as one of the best payroll software for small businesses, Gusto offers a comprehensive system with intuitive software that can help you handle a variety of employee-related matters. These include employee pay stubs and tax forms, benefits and payroll reports, health insurance, state and federal unemployment insurance, PTO tracking, direct deposit facilities, wage garnishments, automated tax filings, and unlimited payroll runs in all 50 states. The interface is easy-to-use, and the brand offers a free demo as well. Unlike other software, Gusto does not charge extra for features like automated billing, health benefits, online estimates, and workers’ compensation. ADP This software can take HR and payroll off your hands, easing your burden if you’re managing a small business. It handles all the time-consuming tasks for you, ranging from managing employees’ 401(k) accounts to filing payroll taxes, and it also takes over tasks like onboarding, hiring, and recruiting.
Business class flights and its features

Business class flights and its features

All of us have daydreamed about traveling business class when we make a steady shuffle from business class to economy. Yes, it lures us with its spacious cabins, and luxe and cushy comforts. So, is it worth flying in a first-class or business class flight? Let’s discuss some of the best business class flight features that will prove that it is worth every penny. Priority check-in For travelers traveling business class, the check-in process is a lot more convenient and easier. You don’t need to stand in the long queue to finish your check-in procedure. Go ahead and sit down at the waiting room seat while the staff handles the check-in for you. Extra baggage allowed Now, this completely depends on the policy of the airline. However, irrespective of the airline you are traveling with, the permissible baggage allowance for a business class is certainly more than economy class travelers. So, if you are a shopaholic, it could be a huge plus. Access to the special lounge Ahead of the boarding time, business class travelers can wait in the exclusive lounge dedicated to them. Again, it might vary from airline to airline and airport to airport, but in most lounges across the globe, you’ll get scrumptious snacks and food.